Predictable and Efficient Software Delivery


Our mission is to help Engineering Leaders: Drive Predictable and Efficient Software Delivery.

We aim for a tenfold surge in productivity by enhancing developer experience, maximizing profitability, and ensuring alignment across leadership.

Efficient Software Development

Engineering leaders strive for predictable and efficient software delivery. Failure to achieve this results in slow and costly product development, eroded trust, and increased staff turnover.

Developers do knowledge work rather than the manual labor of writing source code.

Defining Knowledge Work

Knowledge work is the cognitive effort needed to bridge the gap between individual skills and experience and the knowledge required to complete a task.

This is the Knowledge-centric perspective on software development, treating knowledge as the fuel that drives the software development engine.

New Metrics for Efficiency and Predictability

True efficiency in software development is measured by how well a team's skills and experience cover the knowledge needed to deliver value.

The rate of knowledge discovery indicates how effectively these gaps are closed, serving as a leading indicator of predictable delivery.

By applying the Knowledge-Centric perspective, we derive universally applicable metrics such as

  • Predictability: A project's ability to meet its expected knowledge discovery rate within a set timeframe.
  • Knowledge Discovery Efficiency (KEDE): Quantifies the balance between individual capability and work complexity.
  • Rework: Quantifies the Information Loss Rate—the ratio of lost information to total perceived missing information. A higher rate indicates more errors during knowledge discovery.
  • Collaboration: Assesses how the number of contributing developers affects the efficiency of knowledge discovery.
  • Cognitive Load: Indicates how many potential solutions a developer considers for a problem.
  • Happiness: Gauges if developers are in a 'flow' state—fully engaged and challenged—achieved when individual capability and work complexity are balanced, slightly favoring challenges.
  • Productivity: The ratio between value delivered and the knowledge developers needed to discover. High productivity occurs when less new knowledge is needed to produce an outcome.
These metrics serve as leading indicators, tracking the quality of the software development process by focusing on its core nature: the acquisition and application of knowledge.

Traditional Flow Metrics

In contrast to the Knowledge-Centric perspective, traditional Flow metrics focus on outputs and lagging indicators such as feature velocity, throughput, and lead times.

This perspective treats software development as a Flow of tangible entities—number of commits, story points, User Stories, Features, Defects, Pull Requests, Incidents — from input stages through output to the final user outcome.

They offer a measurable, logistics-like view of software development, highlighting its efficiency and productivity as if it were a manufacturing system.

Enter the world of Knowledge-Centric Metrics

In a perfect world Engineering Leaders would benefit from a tool that provides these metrics, enabling them to:

  • Monitor the quality of the process,
  • Gain acceptance across the leadership team,
  • Link engineering efficiency with company profitability,
  • Compare teams from different contexts, programming languages, and technologies,
  • Objectively assess the impact of management strategies.

KEDEHub is the solution to this challenge. As a Knowledge-Centric Software Engineering Intelligence Platform, KEDEHub helps Engineering Leaders drive predictable and efficient delivery with leading indicators derived from source code analysis.

Unique to KEDEHub is its patented technology to measure in bits of information the knowledge gaps by analyzing source code.

Building on this capability, KEDEHub implements all the Knowledge-Centric metrics we've discussed, enabling a nuanced assessment of an organization's capabilities and offering insights to foster improvement where needed most.

Harnessing the insights provided by KEDEHub leaders can improve collaboration, increase productivity, decrease waste, reduce cognitive load, and foster an environment where developers can achieve a state of flow. In the end, KEDEHub fosters Improved Developer Experience, Maximized Profitability, and Aligned Leadership.

What We Believe In

It's ironic that Engineering - of all departments - suffers from a lack of quantitative operational information about efficiency, levels of collaboration and waste.

The reality is that software development remains a black box, even at some of the most tech-driven organizations. And inside that box lurk inefficiencies on an enormous scale.

We believe in the immense potential that resides in each software developer and the incredible value that can be unlocked by tapping into this reservoir of talent. At its core, management is about discerning and harnessing the latent potential within organizations.

For managers and decision-makers, it's pivotal to adopt a holistic systems approach. It's crucial to recognize that any hurdle in achieving a goal often lies in systemic issues, not individuals. Our foundational beliefs are:

  • People inherently strive to give their best.
  • Challenges stem from systemic issues. If roles were reversed, the same challenges would persist.
  • Metrics should gauge system efficiency rather than focus on individual performance.
  • Development teams should be active contributors to discussions about their efficiency and performance, not merely recipients of feedback.


KEDEHub is led by Dimitar Bakardzhiev - a serial technology entrepreneur and an expert in managing successful and cost-effective complex software projects. With his blend of technical, managerial and operational expertise, he effectively combines the theory and practice of Agile and Kanban Method to deliver business results. He also published David Anderson's Kanban book as well as books by Goldratt and Deming in the Bulgarian language.